KEN HAMWEY Staff Sports Writer

Blake Moxim is only a junior but the high-scoring attackman for Hopedale High’s lacrosse team is starting to draw attention from Division 1 colleges.
The 5-foot-11, 160-pounder, who scored 38 goals and had 69 assists last year, is well-...

Christopher Tremblay, Staff Sports Writer

Art Riffo had been coaching the East Longmeadow boy’s tennis team for the past eight years until his retirement. When it came time to stop working he decided to move closer to his wife’s job in Hopkinton. When that happened the Spartan coach...

Networking Event Includes Optional Paddle on Hopedale Pond and Bird Walk in the Parklands

Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor (BHC) is hosting its next Corridor Chats event on Thursday, May 2 at the historic Little Red Shop Museum (12 Hopedale Street, Hopedale, MA) from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The free event will include...

As part of the Blackstone River Watershed-Wide Cleanup effort on April 13, a group of volunteers gathered at Hopedale Pond to remove litter that had collected along the shore over the winter. The volunteers also found larger debris tossed in the...

Linda Hixon

Human error caused the accident. A drawbridge over the river in Norwalk, Connecticut was open to let the SS Pacific pass and had yet to swing back into position when the train came through.
Several faults lay behind the disaster. Engineer...

Henry Cyr

With his November 8, 2018 signing of S2631, An Act to Promote and Enhance Civic Engagement, Massachusetts Governor Charles D. Baker said he was “…pleased to introduce new ways to strengthen civics education in the Commonwealth’s public schools.”...

On the 16th of March, the Boy Scouts of Troop 1 Hopedale orchestrated a town-wide food collection to benefit the Milford Food Pantry. For the past several years, the Boy Scouts have been collecting canned and dried goods for Daily Bread Food...

A middle-school aged team from Hopedale won first place at the state tournament for Destination Imagination on Saturday at WPI in Worcester, MA. The team, calling themselves “The Radical Whales 4.0” was made up of seven sixth- and seventh-graders...

KEN HAMWEY Staff Sports Writer

Josh Crescenzi’s baseball teams at Hopedale High have qualified for tournament play for the last four years, and although a fifth consecutive trip to the districts isn’t guaranteed, that objective is always a priority on the coach’s to-do list...

Christopher Tremblay, Staff Sports Writer
Working Toward The State Tournament for the 3rd Year in a Row

Last spring Hopedale advanced into the District 3 State Softball Tournament for the third time since 2015 and for the third time the Blue Raiders unfortunately had to go up against Turner Falls. The West Champion sent Hopedale packing all three...
