For a complete list of programs, visit or call 508-384-5425. The Wrentham Senior Center is located at 400 Taunton Street, and is open Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and...

By Marjorie Turner Hollman

Long-time Norfolk resident John Olivieri died this past February after living the past five years in an assisted living facility near his family. In the years John called Norfolk home, he made himself a fixture in town. He certainly rewrote the...

Submitted by James Dow KP DECA Coordinator

On April 26, King Philip’s DECA Chapter embarked on their journey to the International Career Development Conference in Anaheim, California, hosted by DECA Inc. The conference hosted 19,000 state and provincial winners from across the United...

Wrentham Cultural Council event continues to celebrate art in many forms
Arts on the Common, the premier annual cultural event in the town of Wrentham, takes place on Saturday, June 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sponsored by the Wrentham...

By Grace Allen

Wrentham artist Laurie Sammons has been creating her whole life.
“I wanted to be an artist from the time I was young,” said Sammons. Although she works in the medical imaging field, she has always made time for her art. With an emphasis on...

By Grace Allen

Residents attending Norfolk’s May 9 town meeting voted in opposition to the proposed Spectra Energy gas pipeline slated to go through town.
By an almost unanimous voice vote, town meeting members supported the resolution to record...

By Grace Allen

On April 30, over 100 residents attended a forum to learn about Chapter 40B, the state’s affordable housing law. The town may soon be dealing with as many as seven different affordable housing projects.
The forum, dubbed “Community...

By Ken Hamwey Staff Sports Writer

The 59-year-old baseball field at King Philip Regional was dedicated to the late Gary Lombard on April 29 at a ceremony that was filled with emotion, love, respect and admiration.
Lombard coached baseball for 26 years at KP and he also was...

Millis Women-Only Instructional Shooting Clinic Registering Now

Are you a woman who has been curious about how to handle a firearm? Maybe you grew up in a family where shooting was something that the guys did. Perhaps you have wondered why people enjoy the shooting sports. Possibly, you are interested in...

Millis Women-Only Instructional Shooting Clinic Registering Now

Are you a woman who has been curious about how to handle a firearm? Maybe you grew up in a family where shooting was something that the guys did. Perhaps you have wondered why people enjoy the shooting sports. Possibly, you are interested in...
