Adam Sachs, president of the Ashland Business Association (ABA), at the last program of the year in November reviewed the organization’s many recent accomplishments.
“Our ultimate goal is to help promote business growth in Ashland. We have accomplished this in a variety of ways,” Sachs reported. “Over the last year we grew our membership by 10 percent. We upgraded our website for business profile creation, promotion and ease of access. We incorporated as a 501(c)(6) to allow our organization greater legitimacy, longevity and flexibility.”
“Our programming has gotten more varied and expansive. In addition to seven programs at the library, we held our first-ever Membership Gala in May at the VFW. Jen Maseda, founder of the annual MetroWest Conference for Women and executive producer and host of the cable TV show, Women2Women Today, was our guest speaker. In the summer, we partnered with five other business associations for a networking BBQ event at the MetroWest YMCA in Hopkinton.”
“In the community, we supported Economic Development Director Beth Reynolds with new business ribbon cuttings and we awarded two scholarships to Ashland students who exemplify community service and other community initiatives.”
2019 Program Peek
The ABA events committee has planned a full year of networking opportunities and learning programs for businesses. The programs, which take place in the library community room, and socials, at various businesses and organizations in town, are generally held on the first Tuesday evening of the month. Most events are free to the public.
Some winter and spring highlights are:
The January 8 program, “Open Your Eyes and Lead,” will feature Nancy Capistran of Capistran Leadership, LLC. A longtime Ashland resident and author, Capistran shows readers how to become a positive force in the world, and how to balance and manage the omnipresent tensions as we strive for leadership excellence.
February 5 will feature a panel to discuss a business improvement district (BID), being implemented by Ashland. This is an initiative run and financed by businesses to attract customers to the downtown. About a year ago, Hudson implemented a very successful program. Ann Burke and Former Police Chief, Richard Braga will explain how it worked in Hudson.
On March 5, a social will be held at Needham Bank, 41 Front St.
“The big event of the spring is our annual Membership Gala at the VFW on May 7,” Mike Kane, chair of the events committee, said. “Current members invite prospective new members for a night of food and drink. This year’s keynote, entitled ‘Kickass Confidence,’ is consultant, speakers and author Alyssa Dver. Dver describes herself as a ‘Confidence crusader and Chief Confidence Officer.’ She brings high-performance science and secrets that have been exclusively used by Olympic and professional athletes, elite military and C-suit executives.”
To take advantage of all the ABA has to offer, join online,
Sweet Ending to 2018
The ABA traditionally ends the year with a holiday party. This year’s party will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 4 at the VFW, 311 Pleasant St. and catered by Marconi’s. A cash bar opens at 5:30 p.m.; a buffet dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $25 per person if paid online before Dec. 3; $30 at the door. Pay online by credit card at To participate in the Yankee Swap, bring a gift valued at $10. Bring food donations for the food pantry. For questions, contact Mike Kane, [email protected], 508-881-8550.
Issue Date:
December, 2018
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