Building Route 128: the Road we Love to Hate

Building Route 128: the Road we Love to Hate Morrill Memorial Library 7 p.m. Historian and author David Kruh will lead you through the construction of our often confusing local highway, from its beginning in the 1920s as a collection of two-lane roads through the construction of the divided highway in the 1950's. He will explain how one man’s vision became the catalyst for the remarkable growth that sprang up along Rt. 128. This lecture will appeal not only to those with an interest in the highway itself but also to anyone curious about the history of Boston’s suburbs and the fundamental changes Route 128 brought to the region over the past four decades. To sign up, call 781-769-0200, x110 or 222, email [email protected], or stop by the library reference or information desk.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - 7:00pm