Free Divorce Seminar

Issue Date: 
June, 2017
Article Body: 

The Divorce Collaborative, a Medway-based family law firm, and Catherine Burgess, financial advisor from Wells Fargo, are hosting a free seminar on Tuesday, June 27, 2017. The two-hour seminar will be conducted at the Thayer Homestead, Thayer Hall, 2B Oak Street in Medway, at 6:00pm.
Attendees will learn about divorce process options, including mediation, collaborative divorce, and litigation; and topics such as child support, child custody, alimony, and property division.
In addition, learn how to prepare yourself for the separation, financially. What are the things you should be prepared to handle now that you’re on your own again? How do you handle the financial changes and new obligations that may arise? How does your budget change? How does your retirement preparation change? What about Social Security?
Please register in advance by sending an email to Nick at [email protected] or call (508) 346-3805.
Deadline for registration will be Wednesday, June 21, 2017.