Garden Club of Norfolk to Challenge the Floral Designers at Holiday Magic Fundraiser

Issue Date: 
November, 2017
Article Body: 

Plan now to start the holiday season by enjoying an enchanting evening on Wednesday, November 8 when the Garden Club of Norfolk presents “Holiday Magic” at 7 p.m. at the Freeman-Kennedy School in Norfolk.
The highlight of the event will be Allen and Bea from Windfall Florals of Falmouth who will be challenged to create holiday designs in containers supplied by Garden Club members.
All of Allan and Bea’s floral creations-containers included-will raffled at the end of the program.
A limited number of tickets are available at $10 each. Each ticket will include one free raffle ticket when present-ed at the event. To purchase your tickets, please contact: Tricia Romanus - [email protected], Anne Prior – [email protected], or Michele Drolette – [email protected].