Apple picking is a popular way to kick off autumn. If you haven’t already gone, it’s not too late. But don’t wait too long.
The apple season is generally about two months: late August to late October. Local farms usually open to the public the first weekend in September.
If you want to pick your own in the immediate area, visit The Big Apple or Fairmount Fruit Farm.
The Big Apple
This 200-acre farm offers pick-your-own apples in September. They grow many varieties including Macintosh, Cortland, Macoun and Fuji. Late harvest apples such as Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Spencer and Russet are picked by the farm crew through Columbus Day weekend or early November.
The farm is not primarily designed for picking, owner John Morse, said. They section off the areas where apples are ripe and ready. Other varieties are off-limits until they are at their best. Customers can also pick blueberries and raspberries in the summer.
A percentage of people enjoy picking their own, he observes. But there are plenty who want to just buy a bag or two at the store and bakery and linger.
The Big Apple crew picks apples, bags them and sells at the store. Their other produce like peaches, nectarines, broccoli, cabbage, pumpkins, and winter squash is on sale too. There’s a wall of jams and jellies. Their bakery turns out fresh pies and cider donuts.
You’ll find this busy working farm at 207 Arnold St., Wrentham. Open 9-5.
Fairmount Fruit Farm
Pick-your-own started September 7 and is expected to go through early October. Charlie Koshivas, who owns the 20-acre farm, said it will be a short crop this year. His grandson CJ works alongside him. They grow Macintosh, Cortland, Fuji, and Empire apples. The Honey Crisp did the best this season, enduring a rainy blooming period in the spring, Koshivas reports.
The farm has pick-your-own peaches in summer. Kids can enjoy the farm animals like alpaca, goat and sheep, and a hay maze. They sell apples already picked and bagged, local honey, jams and jellies, plus their hydroponically grown vegetables in the farm store.
Located at 887 Lincoln St, Franklin, the farm is open Mon-Fri 9-6; Sat-Sun 9-5.
Pick Your Own hours: Mon-Fri 12-5; Sat-Sun 10-4.
Not everyone wants to labor in the apple orchard. Some people want to buy fresh and flavorful apples in season without the work. Here’s where you can buy fresh apples bagged and ready.
Cooks Valley Farm
Cooks Valley picks and sells their apples so you don’t have to. Apples come from their orchard, are bagged and sold at their farm stand and at public markets such as Franklin Farmers Market.
Macoun, Gala, Macintosh, Golden Delicious, and Russett are just a few of their varieties. They have heirloom apples like Opalescent. The 110-acre farm has been in the family for several generations. They devote 5-6 acres to their apple trees and other fruits, and 25 acres to many vegetables.
Like all the farms in this area, they had a rainy start in spring. It delayed the blooms, but it all evens out by the end of the season, said owner Warren Cook.
Late season apples and other produce go into cold storage for the winter, Cook said. People can get on the farm’s email list. They are notified about what vegetables and fruits are available each week. Customers go to the farm and their order will be ready for pick up.
Cooks Valley Farm is located at 2200 West St. Wrentham. The farm is open 10-6.
Adams Farm
Located on the border of Mass. and Rhode Island, Adams Farm sells its apples already bagged. The fields are in Wrenttham and its structures are in Cumberland.
Many apple varieties are harvested from their 700 trees. In addition to apples, the 250-acre farm also sells pumpkins, gourds and Indian corn through October 31.
Home to one of the largest pumpkin farms in this area, the farm produces more than 10,000 pumpkins per year, said owner Alex Marsalkowski. Go into the field to pick out your own pumpkin already cut from its stalk. The 4th-generation family farm also offers hay rides, corn and hay maze, friendly farm animals to pet like goats, cows, pigs. Snacks and treats are sold at the country store.
Adams Farm is located at 495 Sumner Brown Road, Cumberland, RI. Open Sept-Oct. Mon-Fri 10-5; Sat-Sun 9-6.
Apple Picking is now in Full Swing

Issue Date:
October, 2019
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