Help Solve a Mystery: Who’s in This Picture?

J.D. O’Gara
Joe Gannon’s daughter bought this chair, above, at the Holliston High School yard sale in the fall. While cleaning the chair, his wife found this snapshot in time – a picture from Christmas of 1968. The Gannons hope to return the picture to its family.
Issue Date: 
March, 2018
Article Body: 

Could this picture belong to you?
A patron of the last annual Holliston High School yard sale received a little bit more than that perfect chair for her Mom and Dad’s home. Inside it was someone else’s memory.
“My daughter, who knew we needed a living room chair, purchased the chair at the annual high school yard sale around Thanksgiving,” says Joe Gannon, who contacted Local Town Pages. “We brought it home, and at one point (my wife) was cleaning it, she lifted up the cushion and was vacuuming, and saw a picture sticking up out of the side of the chair. She very gently pulled it out.”
The picture, which appears to show two blond teenage girls opening Christmas presents, has a date and other information on the back – The Sunburst Agency, Inc., Lawrence G. Silett, Pres., December 25, 1968.
“This is a really nice childhood memory, and I thought maybe somebody would appreciate having the picture returned to them,” says Gannon, who’d like to return it to its rightful owner. “It sort of reminds me of my own family, and it does capture a moment.”
Gannon says that he recently read a New York Times article about a guy who’d collected thousands of polaroids and was asking people to tell a story about them.
“This picture could tell a story, I’m sure,” he says.
If you know anything about who is shown in this photo, or if this picture belongs to your family, email [email protected].