Come help the Knights of Columbus Council 1847 help your community!
On December 8th and 9th, you’ll have the chance to purchase a Stop & Shop gift card, which you can keep, or better yet, donate to the St. Vincent De Paul Society, which helps people in need in the community with a food pantry and other essentials.
“We’ve been doing this for 4-5 years. (The Knights of Columbus) gets a 5% discount on the cards, so we make 50 cents a card, which goes to the St. Vincent de Paul Society,” says Franklin Grand Knight Scott Kyle. A hundred percent of the any profits off the card automatically is donated, he says, although the group encourages parishioners, in the spirit of giving, to donate one or more of the $10 cards they buy, benefitting the charity twice.
“Knights will be stationed outside the doors of the church after every Mass on December 8th and 9th,” says Kyle. “About 78% of the cards we sell get donated.”
The fundraiser is not limited to only parishioners of St. Mary’s.
“Absolutely, we would welcome non-parishioners,” says Kyle. “Just walk up to us after Mass to purchase the gift cards. Mass at 7:30 a.m. usually ends at 8:15; 9 a.m. usually ends by 9:45-10; 10:30 a.m. usually ends around 11:15; and the noon usually ends around 1 p.m. The Saturday 4 p.m. Mass usually ends at 4:45 p.m.
If you would like to learn more about the charity this fundraiser benefits, visit
If you would like to learn more about the Franklin Knights of Columbus 1847, visit
Knights of Columbus Gift Card Drive to Benefit St. Vincent de Paul Dec. 8th & 9th

Issue Date:
December, 2018
Article Body: