Holliston Pantry Shelf SOUPer Bowl 2016 Saturday February 4 Event Largest Fundraiser of the Year for the Food Pantry

By J.D. O’Gara
Issue Date: 
February, 2017
Article Body: 

SOUPer Bowl 2017, to benefit the Holliston Pantry Shelf, will be held on Saturday, February 4 in Christ The King Lutheran Church, 600 Central Street, Holliston from 5 - 7:30 p.m.
The SOUPer Bowl is in its 10th year.
The event is the Holliston Pantry Shelf’s biggest fundraiser, aside from the mailing that goes out in the fall.
Guests can enjoy a delicious dinner with soups generously donated by:
Bertucci’s - Sausage Soup (Gluten Sensitive)
Casey’s Crossing - Chili
Bazel’s - Either Butternut Squash or Tomato Basil (Vegetarian)
Holliston Superette - Chicken Noodle
Jasper Hill Cafe - Curry Chicken Coconut
The Corner Market - Clam Chowder
Outpost Farm - Corn Chowder (Vegetarian)
Also included in the meal is a variety of fresh breads, beverages and homemade desserts.
Tickets are $15 for adults 12-64, $8 for children 6-11 and seniors 65+, free for children 5 an under in advance at Coffee Haven, Holliston Superette and the Town Clerk’s Office
For additional information about the Pantry, or to make a quick, easy donation via Paypal, please visit the web site at www.hollistonpantryshelf.org.