Holliston Rallies to Aid of Patts

Issue Date: 
January, 2017
Article Body: 

On Friday December 16, Elisabeth and Henry Patt, owners of local business Patt’s Blueberries, lost their home to a fire. Soon after, a Go Fund Me page, with Stacey Raffi, Katie Connors and Mary Greendale listed as contacts, with the goal of raising a little bit of money, $5,000 to help the Patts with related expenses. The idea was to give the Patt’s daughter the monetary donations on December 23.
Although the Holliston Local Town Pages went to press before this date, by December 19th, Gabrielle Mahoney responded to over $18,000 in donations:
“Our family is so overwhelmed and grateful for your caring and generosity. We are blessed that Mom and Dad are ok and have the opportunity enjoy this Christmas. So many people have reached out via phone calls, emails, Facebook we are surrounded by support. When I told Mom about all the people from different facets of life she said her faith in people has been restored. In true Mom form she said she plans to pay it forward when she can. Mom and Dad want to convey how thankful they are to everyone. Today we find out more from the insurance company about what is next. Our parents need to stay close to the property to prepare the fields for next season. We will get through this one step at a time. With all your love and support the steps don’t seem so insurmountable.”
By December 21, donations on the Go Fund Me page had reached $27,245.
To see the page, visit https://www.gofundme.com/pattsholliston.