Hopedale - Bancroft Memorial Library News

Issue Date: 
November, 2018
Article Body: 

Library holiday hours:
Veterans Day – closed Monday, Nov. 12
Thanksgiving hours: Wednesday, Nov. 21 open 1 pm – 4:30 pm
Thursday, Nov. 22 - Thanksgiving - CLOSED
Friday, Nov. 23 open regular hours: 1 pm – 5 pm
Saturday, Nov. 24 open regular hours: 10 am – 2 pm.
Do You Have Fines On Your Library Card?
The Bancroft Memorial Library will be offering “Food for Fines” from November 5th through November 24th. For each non-perishable item donated we will forgive $1.00 in fines. Please note that this cannot be used toward missing or lost items. The items collected will go to the Milford Food Pantry. 

New at the Library:
WiFi HotSpots - Enjoy high-speed Internet access anytime, anywhere–free!
We have recently acquired 2 WiFi HotSpots to loan to our patrons.
What is a HotSpot?
The HotSpot is an easy -to-use mobile device that offers Internet access over the Sprint network using WiFi technology. You can connect up to 10 Wi-Fi enabled devices to a BML HotSpot and get high-speed Internet virtually anywhere you can get Sprint mobile service. Our 2 HotSpots can be checked out for a week at a time and Bancroft Memorial Library patrons can place holds on them. They will only be available to Bancroft Memorial Library cardholders in good standing. Stop by the library for more details.Top of Form

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Special Display: Vintage School Books
A collection of early 19th century school books owned by Gary Graveson will be on display for your enjoyment at the Bancroft Memorial Library for the month of October. The display case is beside the main circulation desk.

Interviewing Skills workshop at Bancroft Library, Monday, Nov. 19th, 6PM
Come be part of this historical effort! The Hopedale Women’s Research Project
You are invited to take part in our upcoming “Interviewing skills” hands-on workshop. We need trained volunteers to help in the task of interviewing those who know the story of Hopedale and can provide added depth to the written documents we possess. The workshop is taught by local personal historian, Bellingham resident Marjorie Turner Hollman, a “Volunteer In the Parks” (VIP) with the Blackstone Heritage Corridor. This “Skills” workshop is offered in partnership with the Blackstone Valley National Historical Park. Attendance at the workshop does not obligate you to future work—the workshop is designed for those already participating in the Hopedale Women’s project, and the public is welcome to participate in the workshop, learn more of what we are doing, so you can decide if you want to get more involved or if you want to just improve your interviewing skills to work on your own genealogy. For more information about the overall project, contact us at [email protected] or check out our website, hopedalewomen.org or like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HopedaleWomen. For more information about the workshop, please contact Marjorie Turner Hollman, Bellingham, MA 508-883-3443 [email protected]
Ongoing Monthly Library Events
Helen Symonds Book Group
The Helen Symonds Book Group meets in the Library Program Room at 1:00 PM on the first Wednesday of every month. Everyone is welcome to join the group. Please call the library at (508) 634-2209 to request a copy of the book and come join the discussion.
This month’s meeting will be Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 1:00 PM. The group will discuss Island of Sweet Pies & Soldiers by Sarah Ackerman.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, Dec. 5th at 1:00 PM. The book for discussion will be Circe by Madeline Miller. Time to brush up on your Greek Mythology! The book “Follows Circe, the banished witch daughter of Helios, as she hones her powers and interacts with famous mythological beings before a conflict with one of the most vengeful Olympians forces her to choose between the worlds of the gods and mortals.” C/WMARS catalog
CookBook Club
We’re traveling to Argentina! Please join us on Monday, Nov. 26th at 6:30pm when the Cookbook Club will explore the foods of Argentina. Argentine food is influenced by Italian and Spanish cuisines.
We will be using the online reference database A to Z World Food available through the library to choose our recipes. The A to Z World Food database is available for use to anyone with a Hopedale library card. You can travel the world and try new foods without leaving the comfort of home!
As always, first time guests just come and enjoy! No need to cook! Please call the library at 508-634-2209 to reserve a place at the table.

Wednesday Knitting & Crocheting Group Have you been knitting for a while but want to spend time with other crafters? Do you have a project that has been waiting for you to “get around to it? “Join the Knovel Knitters in the Trustee Room for an evening of knitting & crocheting every Wednesday night from 6:00pm until 7:45pm.
Friends of the Hopedale Library
“Re-Cover Hope Plaza” Fund
The 16 year old top tent cover for the Hope Plaza needs to be replaced! We are seeking donations to help defray the cost of the $5,000 Aqualon tent cover. The statue and plaza are carved from Carrara marble, a soft marble often used for indoor statuary. Most damage to finely carved marble statues in the New England climate come from the winter freeze-thaw cycle, so we need to keep our lovely lady and plaza covered in the winter.
Donations to the Friends of the Hopedale Library will be used to help “Re-Cover Hope Plaza”.
We have a Donation Jar on the Circulation Desk at the library, or checks can be made to the Friends of the Hopedale Library. Please indicate on the Memo line: Re-Cover Hope fund.
The library address is 50 Hopedale Street, Hopedale, MA 01747
Thanks for your help!
The Friends of the Hopedale Library Events:
Saturday, November 17, 2018, 10 am - 2 pm     Book and Bake Sale and Raffle
SAVE THE DATE! The Friends of the Hopedale Library are holding their Fall Book, Bake and Raffle Sale. Books will be sold for the great price of $10 per bag. Donations of raffle baskets and baked goods are welcome. Raffle baskets will be on display at the library starting November 5th. Baked goods can be dropped off from 1 pm to 5 pm on Friday, November 16th or on Saturday starting at 9:30 am. Raffle tickets will also be on sale for gift baskets. Tickets will be $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. There will be something for everyone!
Want to help out the Friends of the Hopedale Library at the book sale? We are always looking for volunteers! Please call the library at 508-634-2209 to leave your name or stop by the upstairs registration desk.

Sunday, December 9, 2018, 2 pm    All4Won Holiday Concert and Afternoon Tea
Please join us for an afternoon tea and holiday concert with the local acapella quartet All 4WoN. This special event will take place in the upstairs Reading Room. Refreshments will be served and the program will last approximately an hour. Cookies, tea and hot chocolate will be provided. To reserve your seat please call the library at 508-634-2209 or stop by the upstairs registration desk. Seats are limited!

The Friends of the Hopedale Library meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday morning of each month. The November meeting will be on November 6th at 10:00 am in the Library Reference Room. Anyone interested in helping the Library and planning our adult programming is welcome and encouraged to join them.
The Friends of the Hopedale Library was founded in 1983. They work with the Library staff and Trustees to support the Library by providing funds for equipment, materials and programs not covered by the regular operating budget. They offer adult events September- June, pay for the children’s summer reading and for other programs. New members are always welcome! More information can be found at http://www.hopedale-ma.gov/bancroft-memorial-library/pages/friends-library.
News from the Marjorie Hattersley Children’s Room
We’re delighted that so many students in Grades K thru 3 have been taking part in Check It Out!  Notification of the winning class will be made on Friday, November 2, and we will celebrate on Wednesday, November 7 with a pizza party and special program, beginning at 6:15pm in the Library Program Room.
Hopedale Memorial School student’s artwork will now be on display in the Children’s Room. The display will be ongoing throughout the school year and continuously changing. Stop in and see the talent of these young Hopedale students!
November Events:
Fall Storytimes will resume the week of November 5th: 
Once upon a Storytime for children 3 to 6 years old: Tuesdays at 3:15pm.  This hour program will include stories, puppets, music and crafts.
Wonderful Wednesday Storytime for kindergarten and up: Wednesdays at 3:15pm. This hour program will include stories, puppets, music and crafts.
Preschool Storytime for children, age 2 to 4 years: Thursdays at 11am (no program on Thanksgiving).  This 45 minute program will include stories, fingerplays, puppets, nursery rhymes and music. 
Registration is requested for all storytimes. 
“Scarecrow, Scarecrow” - Monday, Nov. 5 at 3:30, there will be a special Fall story/craft time for children in Kindergarten through Grade 3. «Scarecrow, Scarecrow» will include stories and a scarecrow craft, as well as a snack including....corn of course! 
“Look what came from Mexico!” - Monday, November 19 at 3:30pm
We will celebrate Revolution Day in Mexico.  Children in Grades 1 thru 4 are invited to enjoy Mexican folktales, a craft and a snack. Registration is required for both of these programs.  Please call Mrs. Kraimer at 508-634-2209 or e-mail  at [email protected] for information or to register.
For information and registration for all children’s programs, please call Mrs. Kraimer at (508) 634-2209 or e-mail her at [email protected]. The Bancroft Memorial Library is located at 50 Hopedale Street, Hopedale, MA 01747.
For updates throughout the month, Friend us on Facebook, sign up at www.hopedale-ma.gov/subscribe to receive library news via email, and be sure to add the Mobile App to your phone for up-to-date reminders. The library webpage is at - https://www.hopedale-ma.gov/bancroft-memorial-library