The Circle of Hope Foundation's Enchanting Luminary Night, returns for its 17th year. This endearing Norwood event will be held on Saturday, December 1, on Norwood's Town Common. Luminaries will be lit at 5 p.m. and residents are invited to the Town Gazebo in commemoration of loved ones and to support Norwood's compassionate community through 7 p.m. The evening will also include music, entertainment, and refreshments.
What makes the evening so special is that the luminary bags are engraved with an individual name, message, prayer or date as a symbol of Life, Hope, the Season or in Remembrance of others. Last year, more than 1,900 luminaries ‘lit up’ the Town Common generating an incredible glow of encouragement for those who participated and even those just passing by.
"Every candle that is lit is helping someone in Norwood," Kennedy said. "You don't know when you light that candle who you are helping."
Each year, on the first weekend of December, the Town Common glows with the luminary bags raising thousands of dollars for the admirable volunteer-run organization. The spark for this event continues to shine brightly over the Town of Norwood and residents, and whether they lit a luminary or just come to take in the magnificent sight, hundreds of residents take part in this beloved Norwood tradition.
"When it's done, it is absolutely beautiful," Circle of Hope member Lee Kennedy said. "It's very moving to see these candles and know that every one represents a person, prayer or event."
The Circle of Hope foundation was established in 1998 in memory of Norwood resident Michelle Kennedy, who suffered from leukemia. Norwood residents united during her battle, many who did not even know her personally. The Circle of Hope established in her memory preserves that community spirit by donating fundraising proceeds to Norwood families who need assistance due to a catastrophic medical illness.
"The people of Norwood who support us are the actual Circle of Hope," Kennedy said. "We do the fundraising and the people who support us allow us to do what we do."
Even residents not directly involved in the evening make a special trip to Norwood's Town Common to view this spectacular site and take a moment to remember someone close to them. This is an evening of communal celebration that truly delivers the spirit of the holidays.
Luminary bags are $5 each and can be purchased from the Norwood Civic Center, Nahatan St., Murph's Place, on Broadway, any foundation board member, by calling 781-762-3549, mailing your check and message to, The Circle of Hope Foundation, 24 Myrtle Street, Norwood MA 02062 or in person the night of the event.
Issue Date:
November, 2018
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