March at Holliston Senior Center

Issue Date: 
March, 2017
Article Body: 

St. Patrick’s Day
Luncheon with the Tune Timers Band
Wednesday, March 15
12 p.m.
Join us for Corned
Beef & Cabbage
You must register in advance by calling the Senior Center at (508) 429-0622
$7 Donation Requested
Attorney Arthur Bergeron
Presents: Elder Law
101– 2017 Updates 
Thursday, March 16
1 p.m.
In this annual presentation, Elder Law Attorney Arthur Bergeron will give you an overview of legal issues facing seniors, including an introduction to some big changes in the MassHealth regulations.
Please Register in Advance by calling (508) 429-0622
There is no cost for this presentation.
Alzheimer’s Association
Safety & Memory
Thursday, March 23
1-2 p.m. 
This workshop will provide an overview of dementia and related changes to the brain and body and how these changes effect safety.  The program will offer strategies for encouraging a safe lifestyle and dementia friendly environment.
Please Register in Advance by calling (508) 429-0622
There is no cost for this presentation.
Gary Hylander
Valley Forge: 
The Crucible  -  Wednesday, March 29 -  1 p.m.
Sponsored by: Home Instead Senior Care
While General Howe’s army remained comfortably encamped in conquered Philadelphia, Washington’s troops huddled in the barracks of Valley Forge fending off disease and starvation along with threats of mutiny swirling through the ranks. With his army and the Revolution on the brink of collapse, Washington waged two wars that winter:  one for the survival of his army and the other for the integrity of his character and command.
Please Register in Advance by calling (508) 429-0622. There is no cost for this presentation.
The Holliston Senior Center is located at 150 Goulding Street, Holliston. To learn more, visit its page on the town website at, or find Holliston Senior Center on Facebook.