At a recent ceremony, Troop 80 presented the donation of an outdoor fire pit to the Federated Church of Norfolk, its chartered sponsor. Church representative Martha Sanford graciously accepted the donation.
The Federated Church has been supporting the Boy Scouts by providing meeting space each week throughout the year and has sponsored Boy Scout Troop 80 since its inception. According to Scoutmaster and Community Outreach Leader Peter O’Neil, the Boys Scouts continue with their Purpose Driven Fundraising effort and voted on both the donation of supplies and to provide the labor.
“This donation has been a win-win proposition,” says Tom Woodward, Scout parent and project lead. “The scouts have learned about project development from fundraising, voting to approve, discussing safety aspects, and providing 100% of the physical labor through to its dedication and first use. It also provides the church an outdoor recreation area for informal gatherings.”
The Federated Church pastor Scott Cousineau was appreciative of the gift.
“For years, members of the church have talked about having a space for outdoor worship and fellowship,” said Pastor Cousineau. “Thanks to the generosity and hard work of Scouts, we now have one! The members of Federated Church of Norfolk are very grateful for the gift of the fire pit. The Men’s Fellowship has already enjoyed a cookout and campfire. The church family has gathered for fellowship and music around the campfire on a recent beautiful Sunday evening. The fire circle was also featured prominently in our Vacation Bible School program this past June.”
Pastor Cousineau added, “It is a privilege to be the sponsoring agent for Troop 80. We look forward to continuing to serve the community together for years to come!”
Whatever the future holds, Troop 80 will continue its efforts to build character and invest in the Greater Norfolk community. “It’s not just about raising funds but putting thought into action,” said Scoutmaster O’Neill.
For more information about Boy Scout Troop 80, contact Scoutmaster Fred Hessler at [email protected].

Issue Date:
November, 2017
Article Body: