Norfolk voters will head to the polls on Tuesday, May 2 to elect municipal officials.
Town Clerk Carol Green isn’t expecting a big turnout, but hopes residents will make the effort to vote.
“The election that affects your life the most is a local election, as opposed to a national election,” Greene said. “This is where you live.”
She added, “If anything brings people out, it will be the interest in the Planning Board race.”
Norfolk may soon be grappling with several large Chapter 40B affordable housing projects.
Two three-year terms are available on the Planning Board, with John Weddleton, Gregg Diamiano, Kevin Kalkut, and Jerome Reinhart all vying for the seats.
Voters will also decide between newcomers Tariq Siddiqui and Kenneth Dow for the one available King Philip School Committee seat.
Also on the ballot are Frances Sullivan for a three-year Board of Health seat; Paul Terrio for a three-year term as Constable; Glenn Hill for a three-year seat on the Norfolk Library Trustees board; Brendan Carty and Mark Edwards for two three-year terms on the Recreation Committee; Jeff Curry and Paul Cochran, Jr. for two three-year seats on the Norfolk School Committee; Jeff Palumbo for a three-year term on the Board of Selectmen; and Carol Greene for a three-year term as Town Clerk.
No candidates are on the ballot for a three-year term on the Board of Assessors, which can be filled by write-ins.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. at the Freeman Kennedy School on Boardman Street.
Issue Date:
May, 2017
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