State Representative Jeffrey Roy (D-Franklin) announced today that constituent office hours will be held in Medway on:
Franklin – Thursday March 21st, 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. at the Franklin Senior Center, 10 Daniel McCahill Street Franklin, MA
Medway –Saturday April 6th 24th, 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. at Galante’s Restaurant, 320 Village St. Medway, MA
James Gay, his staff director, will be accompanying him.
Representative Roy stated that all office hours are open to any residents of Franklin and Medway who may have questions or concerns that they wish to bring to his attention. Walk-ins are welcome; no appointment necessary. He looks forward to hearing from you.
He also invites all constituents to call him at his State House office at (617) 722-2030, to stop by Room 43 in the State House, or to email him at [email protected].