The Holliston Board of Health held a meeting on March 9 at Holliston Town Hall to weigh public comment regarding amending the regulations of the Holliston Board of Health Sale of Tobacco Products to Minors. Should Holliston keep the minimum age at 18, or should it raise that minimum age to 21?
“A doctor came in and talked about Tobacco 21, and so the board had chosen to have a hearing to gather information on where the community kind of stood,” said Scott Moles, Health Director. Out of the nine places selling tobacco in town, none showed up, he said. One speaker who came did advocate keeping the age at 18, while a couple others, he said, favored making the age 21.
Moles surmised that a meeting held at the Holliston Police Station the same night regarding marijuana laws might have reduced the number attending the tobacco meeting.
If you would like to contact the board about the matter, email: Scott Moles, Health Director at [email protected] or mail to Town Hall. For questions, call (508) 429-0605.
Issue Date:
April, 2017
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