Teaching self-regulation to young children

Accept Education Collaborate, 4 Tech Circle, Natick. Self-regulation is a complex set of skills that exert influence over internal sensations and states. These skills are necessary for consistent performance, behavior and school readiness. Without them, a child may experience a life of chaos characterized by explosiveness, violence, anxiety, substance abuse, impulsivity, hyperactivity, distractibility or mood disorders. This skill development begins at the point of conception and continues into the late twenties. This session, with Jeanine K. Fitzgerald examines self-regulatory functions through a developmental lens and offers proven strategies to develop and strengthen them. For parents of toddlers through elementary school age. Limited number of child care spaces available with advance reservation. Register online at www.natickfamilies.org or call 508-655-2557.
Thursday, May 23, 2019 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm