Each spring, about 2,200 usually show up for the family-oriented incredABLE 5K, which raises funds for HMEA, which offers a wealth of services for over 4,000 children and adults with developmental disabilities in more than 110 Massachusetts towns. The day is packed with fun, entertainment and celebrity appearances. This year, however, Covid-19 trumped plans for the 2020 fundraiser, until HMEA got creative and decided to hold the event – virtually.
“We had to hold something. It’s the largest fundraiser and the biggest community event for HMEA each spring,” said Doug MacPherson, VP Development & Public Relations for HMEA. His team decided on a virtual event with added, creative new features.
The live-stream incredABLE 5K EVENT will take place on May 17th, beginning at 10 a.m. with winners announced and raffles pulled at 11 a.m. Viewers can tune into the event, which will include a silent auction, on HMEA’s Facebook page at (https://www.facebook.com/HMEAInc/).
To participate as an incredABLE 5K runner:
• Find an approved course near you at https://certifiedroadraces.com/.
• Register ($15) as an incredABLE Virtual 5K Runner at events.hmea.org/incredABLE2020
• Run a USATF certified course before May 10th
• Screenshot or take a photo of your time on the fitness app you used to time your run
• Submit the screenshot/photo and the course ID# to [email protected] by midnight May 10, 2020.
• You may only submit timing once
• The live stream will be held on May 17th at 10 a.m. on the HMEA Facebook page ((https://www.facebook.com/HMEAInc/ ) and winners will be announced.
Last year’s overall male and female winners will also run a 5K –try to beat their times!
Your time must be submitted by midnight May 10, 2020 to be entered into the competition.
You don’t have to run! You can be an incredABLE Virtual participant:
• Register ($10) as an incredABLE Virtual 5K Participant at events.hmea.org/incredABLE2020
• Share your personal page with your friends and family to get donations and recruit team members
• Receive the link to the Virtual Community Walk
• Tune-in on May 17 at 10 a.m. to watch a 30-minute video timeline of HMEA’s 5K over the past 19 years.
• Do whatever kind of exercise you like - dance, walk, jog, march, hop - and watch for photos of your friends, family and yourself!
The first 200 registered participants will receive an incredABLE 5K lunch tote and all registrants will receive an incredABLE 5K bracelet and insider info.
“There are also virtual contests leading up to and on the day of the event,” says MacPherson.
One new feature this year is the incredABLE Keep Moving Challenge. To take part:
• Start tracking your activity hours. You can use your favorite fitness app (examples: Fitbit, Pacer, Map My Fitness, Activity Tracker, My Fitness Pal) or find a handy tracking sheet you can use at (https://www.hmea.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Keep-Moving-Challenge-Ac...)
• To be entered as a contestant, submit your name and accumulated activity hours through May 10 to [email protected] before midnight May 10.
• All contestants will be entered into a drawing to win a Fitbit® inspire HR™ Fitness Tracker Watch.
HMEA is also holding video and photo contests leading up to incredABLE day. Videos and photos will be shared, and friends and family can vote on them for $1 per vote. Proceeds will benefit the HMEA program of the participant’s choice. Themes for the videos include
1. incredABLE 5K Spirit - Show us your incredABLE Spirit! Put on your incredABLE 5K t-shirts, show us your incredABLE swag collection, create a 5K cheer. How will you show the world your incredABLE 5K Spirit?
2. What Makes ME incredABLE - Show us what makes you incredABLE! Share a talent, a story, a song, a dance. What makes you feel incredABLE?
3. What Inclusion Means to ME - Show us what it means to you to feel included! What do think we can do to help make other people feel accepted?
4. incredABLE 5K Exercise Video - Show us how you have been staying active while you are stuck at home! Have you been dancing, doing tai chi, walking, yoga, running? Create an exercise video to inspire others to keep active.
The first three themes of the photo contest are the same as those of the video contest, with the fourth theme “incredABLE 5K Art.” You can find details on both contests at (https://www.hmea.org/incredable-contests/ ).
Although day habilitation and employment programs have halted due to the pandemic, the work that HMEA does is still ongoing. HMEA provides essential staff 24 hours a day in group homes and is virtually connecting and teaching children with autism and adults with developmental disabilities who are staying safe at home; offering resources to hundreds of families.
HMEA would like to thank the following for their support of the virtual incredABLE 5K, including: Bowditch & Dewey Law, Boston Private Wealth, Cardi’s Furniture & Mattresses, Cornerstone Bank, D’Angelo/McLaughlin Private Foundation, Dean Bank, Dell, Eagle Stainless Tube, Eastern Bank, Enterprise Holdings, iCentrix, JACO, Medway Oil, Philadelphia Insurance, Pond Home, Printsmart, Starkweather& Shelley, Serve S HVAC, T&J Heating, Air-conditioning & Heating, Van Pool, Walmart and WB Mason.
HMEA Fundraiser Goes Online, Adds Virtual Contests Leading to Streamed Event May 17

Issue Date:
May, 2020
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