Get Your Absentee Ballot Applications NOW to Request an Absentee Ballot for the 6/22/20 Town Election
Millis Town Election Day is June 22nd, and residents are strongly encouraged to vote via Absentee Ballot in advance of Election Day.
For Absentee Ballot Applications please email a request including name, phone, and home address to [email protected]
OR pick up a hard copy of the application request in the plastic bin marked Election Box directly outside the main doors at Town Hall. Bring a pen to complete the form, include your phone number, SIGN, and leave it back in the Election Box. The actual Election Ballot will be mailed once the request is received.
Absentee Ballot Application requests MUST be received no later than NOON on Friday June 19, 2020. Please allow adequate time to both request and return the application via mail if you are not planning to drop it off by hand in the Election Box at Town Hall.
For additional absentee ballot or election information, please contact the Millis Town Clerk’s Office at (508) 376-7046.
Candidates for this election include:
Moderator (one-year term)
• Donna Cabibbo
Town Clerk (3-year term)
• Lisa Jane Hardin (candidate for re-election)
• Nicole MacDougall Riley
Select Board (3-year term)
• Bodha B. Raut Chhetry
• Erin T. Underhill
Board of Health (3-year term)
• Jaikaur LeBlanc (candidate for re-election)
• Carol Hayes
School Committee (3-year term)
• Denise D. Gibbons (candidate for re-election)
• Kerriann Roche (candidate for re-election)
Planning Board (5-year term)
• Alan J. Handel
Taewan Kim
Constable (3-year term)
• Helen R. Kubacki (candidate for re-election)
• Nathan R. Maltinsky (candidate for re-election)
There are no candidates listed for a five-year open postion on the Housing Authority. The town ballot will also include a vote on gender neutral language regarding the town’s Select Board.
More information regarding both Election Day and Town Meeting are being will be forthcoming once details have been solidified.
Millis Town Meeting is slated to take place on June 29th, 2020, at 7:30 p.m. at the Millis High School/Middle School.
Issue Date:
June, 2020
Article Body: