The Hopedale High School Alumni Association is seeking a new member to fill the seat left by Betty Butcher, who recently retired from the organization after decades of service as Alumni President and as a member of the Board of Directors. Current Alumni President Henry Cyr said “While no one can ever fully replace Betty, we hope to find someone who will bring her love of Hopedale and commitment to its schools and students to serve with us on the Board.” The nine-member Board, all volunteers, help keep generations of Hopedale High graduates connected, while overseeing college scholarships and academic grants for classroom teachers in the town’s three schools, Mr. Cyr added. During the current school year, the Alumni will award $80,000 in scholarships and $40,000 in academic grants. Prospective Board members must be graduates of Hopedale High School, able to attend four Board meetings each year and willing to devote their time and talent to the work of the Alumni Association. In addition to its on-going work, according to Mr. Cyr, the Association is planning a dinner in October to celebrate the group’s 130th Anniversary. “More information on the dinner will be available soon on our website, on Facebook and in other media,” he said. Anyone interested in serving on the Alumni Board of Directors should contact the group by e-mail, at [email protected] or write to P.O. Box 25 in Hopedale.
Issue Date:
February, 2017
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