Looking for Stuff to Do for the Kids During February Break?

Issue Date: 
February, 2017
Article Body: 

Look to Millis Recreation!
Join us at Shen’s Gymnastics for our February
Vacation Camp! Children aged 3.5 – 12 will enjoy the experience of gymnastics and get plenty of physical exercise. No gymnastics experience necessary. Shen’s Gymnastics Academy, 16 Everett St., Holliston Ages: 3.5-12 Vacation week: 2/20-2/24 One day, several days or the whole week!
9 a.m.– noon $50 per day, $180 per week
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. $79 per day, $295 per week (10% discount for families with 2 kids or more)
SPORTS MANIA—F.A.S.T. Athletics - Join us over February vacation for tons of fun and fitness with friends and our favorite coaches from F.A.S.T. Athletics! Their popular Super Sports program will be enhanced with even more games and tournaments. All children will stretch, shoot hoops, play catch, run and participate in exciting games for hand ball, pillo polo, soccer and dodgeball. Please bring a water bottle, snacks, drinks and a lunch (peanut-free please). Veterans Memorial Building, Gym Ages: 7-12
Tuesday-Friday, 2/20-2/24 4 days,
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.: $130 week; 9 a.m.-12 p.m., $95 week
9 a.m. – 12 p.m., $35 per day 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., $45 per day

EXTREME SCIENCE – Carl Geden, NE Educational This is a must class for anyone fascinated with science who enjoys hands-on science experiments. Extreme Science is a class that explores the extreme conditions that exist in nature regarding temperature and electricity. All students wear safety glasses and gloves during all experiments.
Memorial School Rm. 124, Medway MA Ages: 7 and up
Tuesday, 2/21, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Fee: $30
HOME ALONE SAFETY - Juanita Allen Kingsley – Learn the basics of being safe when home alone for short periods of time. Learn how to answer the telephone and door, internet safety, accident prevention and fire protection. We also cover some simple 1st aid techniques. We will watch a short movie and also role play. Veterans Memorial Building, Millis, Room 130. Grades 4-5
Tuesday, 2/21, 9-11 a.m. Fee: $55
BLAST BABYSITTING - Juanita Allen Kingsley – This American Academy of Pediatrics course covers how to handle the basics of infant and children childcare, how to react responsibly to medical emergencies and injuries, and how to perform first aid for common childhood injuries and illnesses. Please bring a snack to class. Veterans Memorial Building, Room 130 Grades: 5-8 Tuesday, 2/21, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Fee: $55

DRAWING AND CARTOONING! – Kathleen Pueschel – Develop your own cartoon characters with reveal freehand sketches enhanced by practicing simplified one-point and two-point perspective making your own drawing look “more real.” Basic drawing skills are demonstrated by the instructor. Expand your own “gag” lines or just draw funny sketches. Experimentation, with hands–on experience, is the foundation of developing drawing skill and having fun. Students receive individual attention. You bring your enthusiasm and any of your usual art materials. Veterans Memorial Building, Room 206 Ages: 7-12 Wednesdays, 2/22, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., Fee: $35
Online registration is available at www.millis.net. For questions, call (508) 376-7050.