Celebrate Hopedale!

Issue Date: 
September, 2017
Article Body: 

Little Red Shop Museum Open House
12 Hopedale Street, Hopedale
Saturday, September 16th - 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Rain date: Sunday, September 17th
Celebrate Hopedale! The Little Red Shop Museum will once again open its doors to the public as Hopedale celebrates its 38th annual Hopedale Day in the Park. Come and explore one of the designated communities in the Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park. The Little Red Shop Museum is located on the shores of Hopedale Pond and adjacent to the Hopedale Parklands.
Sponsored by: Hopedale Historical Commission
Here’s what’s happening at the Little Red Shop Museum:
Hear how Hopedale played a significant role in the industrialization of America
Talk with Historian Linda Hixon about the Hopedale Women’s Sewing Circle Records and related newly launched Community Project. Contact Linda at [email protected]
View a presentation of more than 100 newly scanned historic glass negatives by Tristan Hixon
Visit with Deb Adamczyk as she weaves on our restored historic 1813 barn loom that was pictured, for decades, in the masthead of Draper’s Cotton Chats publications
View the Blackstone River Valley “Footsteps in History Traveling Quilt”
Visit with local author Mary Alice Gruppi as she reads from her book entitled “The ABC’s of the Blackstone River Valley,” a book for children at 1 p.m.
Make your own craft
Sponsored by: Hopedale Tree Warden, Walter Swift
Here’s what’s happening within walking distance to the entrance to the Hopedale Parklands:
The “Tree Bus” is also coming to Hopedale. This small school bus brings with it a hands-on program with displays about how trees grow, dating trees, petrified wood, and much, much more.  The “Tree Bus” travels to schools, libraries, fairs, states, cities, or towns that want to learn about trees.
The “Tree Bus” is a program from the Scattered Seeds Foundation. This small foundation is dedicated to educating anyone, at any age, about “our” majestic trees. Our goal is to provide the knowledge, opportunity, and material necessary to cultivate a botanical experience to whomever “pines” for the need to learn and grow. 
Visit their website: http://www.scatteredseeds.info/contact.html