“It’s all coming together,” says Cherry Fenton, when asked of plans for Holliston in Bloom to host the national America in Bloom symposium from October 4-7, 2017. “We put together a booklet for the walking tour, created by Erin Porter, a graphic designer on our committee, illustrated by Laurie Leavitt, an artist in town.”
The booklet will offer symposium attendees a description about what makes the sights, including Holliston Town Hall, Holliston Public Library, Goodwill Park, Holliston Fire Station, Bobby Blair’s residence and the “Casey at the Bat” statue, Water Street Mills, Blair Square, and Pinecrest Golf Course, so special.
For example, did you know that Holliston Town Hall, built in 1855, has served at various times in history as a library, a general store, a butchery and a jail? Did you know that people signed their names, with dates, in the rafters, and that during one renovation, bones were dug up in its front lawn, probably from those who succumbed to the “Great Sickness of 1754”?
“Actually, there’s a lot of interesting stuff about our town,” says Cherry.
As for event preparation, Fenton says that the Holliston Lions will help set up a lunch that is planned, but there are still many volunteers needed for specific jobs. She goes into details about this below:
Sign up to work a shift or two, bring a friend, and help make the first Symposium to New England / Holliston a trip that America in Bloom won’t forget! Descriptions and sign up available through our website: www.hollistoninbloom.org/volunteer.html.
Registration Packet Assembly Location: Sheraton Tara, Framingham, MA Wed PM 10/4/17
Registration Table Location: Sheraton Tara, Framingham, MA WED PM 10/4/17 – SAT AM 10/7/17
Staging And Decorations Location: Holliston, MA FRI 10/6 - SAT AM 10/7/17 Lifting required
Silent Auction Set-Up Location: Sheraton Tara, Framingham, MA THURS 10/5/17 Lifting required POST OFFICE Location: Sheraton Tara, Framingham, MA FRI 10/6/17 AM
Walking Tour Timekeepers
Location: Holliston
Sat 10/7/17 & more!
*WALKING TOUR ROUTE CORRECTION to August issue Elm Street, not Oak Street

Issue Date:
September, 2017
Article Body: