Discovering Modern Quilting with Kathy Graves

Program November 14th in Franklin
Issue Date: 
November, 2017
Article Body: 

Yankee Quilters will present a program on Modern Quilting on Tuesday, November 14th at 7:15 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 237 Pleasant Street in Franklin. Area quilters of all levels of experience are invited; there is a fee of $5 for non-members.
The speaker will be Kathy Graves, of North Attleboro. Kathy grew up sewing various projects with her mother, as do many sewists. In high school, she took her first quilt class and made a blue and brown sampler quilt with matching pillows. In the late 1980’s, Kathy’s mother shared Mary Ellen Hopkins book, It’s Okay If You Sit on My Quilt, which introduced her to the joy and speed of rotary cutting. Kathy was a prolific quilt maker and took a class, often making 2 quilt tops a week.
Kathy rekindled her love of quilting after struggling with tick borne diseases. She loves exploring modern quilting including improvisation; adapting traditional quilt patterns and making them modern; curved piecing; paper piecing; unique rulers, and long arm quilting.
Kathy recalls how she and her mother struggled with finding long arm quilters in the 1990s to finish their quilts and if one was found, it was far from home with turnaround times of over 6 months. Now that has changed, with many crafts people now offering quilting services, including Kathy.
She is a member of Runamok Modern Quilt Guild, Rhode Island Modern Quilt Guild and Rhododendron Needlers Quilt Guild. Her website is
For more information about this event, please contact [email protected]
About Yankee Quilters, Inc.
Yankee Quilters, Inc. is a nonprofit organization for those interested in the art of quilting. The Guild is organized for charitable and educational purposes and includes members from throughout MetroWest and Central Massachusetts. Our purpose is two-fold: to promote education in and appreciation for all aspects of quilt making and to use our talents to produce quilts for individuals in times of need, as distributed through designated charitable organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. The Guild meets monthly from September through June on the second Tuesday of the month at St. John’s Church in Franklin. New members are always welcome.