How often do you think about your chimney? Every house in New England seems to have one, but most people don’t pay attention to this very important part of their heating system. Homeowners who heat with wood know the necessity of keeping it clean and maintained, but those who heat with oil or gas may not realize the essential contribution of their chimney in terms of heating efficiency and safety.
It may be time to call County Cork Chimney and Masonry Service.
“I want families to feel safe,” says owner Ray Crowley. “I don’t want any family heating their home all winter without knowing the last time that chimney was cleaned or inspected.”
Chimneys are the source of almost 700 fires in Massachusetts every year. When a home is heated with wood, a shiny, tarry substance called creosote builds up inside the chimney, and creosote is highly combustible. Flames can shoot out of the top of the chimney and may even spread to the house itself.
To prevent this scenario, it’s vital to keep the chimney clean and maintained.
“We clean chimneys and inspect woodstoves,” says Crowley. “We conduct a 21-point inspection on every chimney to make sure there’s no damage, no deterioration of the chimney flue, and no cracks. Over the years, the terra cotta can start to deteriorate due to the exposure to weather from the top and heat coming from the bottom. It’s important to catch that.”
If Crowley’s team discovers a problem, they notify the homeowner immediately and provide a written estimate of what it will take to fix the problem. Because Crowley specializes in masonry repairs and bricklaying, he can fix most of the trouble spots himself. “With issues that require immediate attention, we try to get that scheduled straightaway.”
Ray Crowley named his chimney service after Ireland’s County Cork, where he grew up and first learned to mix cement at his father’s side in the family driveway. “We used to have our chimney cleaned by a firefighter from the Cork city fire brigade. It was fun to watch.” He laughs. “I never knew years later I’d be doing it in Boston.”
Homes with gas and oil burners also require annual chimney inspections. Crowley explains, “Having your chimney cleaned really helps with the efficiency of your gas furnace or the oil burner. It will draft faster, so the furnace does less work.”
He adds, “We’ll inspect the furnace stack and make sure there aren’t blockages in the flue that might cause a downdraft, and that there aren’t any animals nesting in the chimney.”
Although chimneys dominate County Cork’s roster in November and December, the rest of the year sees him laying walkways, restoring building facades, and repointing brickwork.
County Cork Chimney and Masonry Service started up in 2002, and is fully licensed and insured. Crowley is also licensed to operate hoisting machinery to access chimneys that are too tall or otherwise unsafe to clean in the usual fashion.
“Everyone depends on their heating systems,” says Crowley. “The elderly, young families, everyone. Even if they’re not burning wood, they’re depending on their furnaces or boilers.”
If someone is nervous about burning wood, maybe for the first time, Crowley is willing to help with that too. “We’ll teach people how to use the fireplace,” he says. “We can even give them a walkthrough on their fireplace or woodstove. We want everyone to have a comfortable winter, warm and safe.”
If you’re looking forward to a warm winter, call County Cork Chimney and Masonry Service at (774) 232-0656, or visit them online at
County Cork Chimney Service Can Help You Have a Warm Winter

Issue Date:
November, 2017
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