Building community and sharing their love of reading inspired the girls of Troop 789 to create Wrentham’s first Little Free Library, a local book exchange where everyone is invited to take a book and leave a book. The girls and their leader, Tricia Barry, proudly unveiled and dedicated their farm-themed library in the town common last Saturday.
It was a proud moment for the girls, whose journey to earn their Bronze Award began almost a year ago. After brainstorming ideas, they started by upcycling a donated cabinet to use as the frame for the library. They then worked together on the design, construction, changes in design, and installation. The girls learned woodworking skills, and more importantly, how to work together and make compromises to achieve their goal. After all of this work, these dedicated girls even braved a brief hail storm during the final post installation!
The ribbon-cutting and stocking of the library was celebrated with the girls’ families, sister Girl Scouts, and state dignitaries. State Senator Richard Ross and State Representative Shawn Dooley presented the girls with an official citation of recognition from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The Bronze Award is the highest leadership award that Girl Scout Juniors can achieve. As a team, the girls work a minimum of 20 hours each to plan and complete a lasting service project to make a difference in their community.
All are invited to visit the Little Free Library on Wrentham’s town common. For more information about the Little Free Library organization, visit To join or volunteer for Girl Scouts, visit
Girl Scout Troop 789 Earns Bronze Award

Issue Date:
November, 2017
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