Highfields Golf and Country Club
Check In: 9:00 – 10:00am. Scramble Format
10:00am shotgun start… Dinner, prizes, and raffle to follow
$125 per player includes golf, cart and dinner
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes. Long Drive (Men & Ladies). Closest to the pin. 50/50 raffles.
Long’s Cash Prize
Contact: Tom Heguy [email protected] 508-881-1122
Paul Ciccolo [email protected] 508-881-2397
Featuring : TJ Spirits $300 Scratch Ticket Tree.
Registration Deadline is May 7, 2018
Sponsorship Levels are available at various denominations from $1000. Down
To Hole Sponsor for only $100. All will be recognized.
Donations: Monetary or Merchandise to be used in the raffle will also be recognized. Questions on either category or in general Contact Lions Tom or Paul at the above email or tel. #
Monday, May 21, 2018 - 9:00am