The Friends of the Holliston Trails will hold its 4th Annual Trail Run, a 5K that begins at Blair Square (Corner of Railroad St. and Central St. in Holliston, MA) and runs 1.55 miles before turning around and heading back, at 9 a.m. on June 10th.
Afterward, kids can participate with a Kids Fun Run at 10 a.m.
The cost to preregister for the 5K is $28 and for the Kids Fun Run is $5. There will be prizes for the top male and female finishers in the 5K, and all kids who finish the fun run will receive a medal. You can register at Race Menu, at All of the proceeds from this day’s event will fund improvements along the trail.
Parking is available nearby at the Robert Adams Middle School.
Not a runner and still want to contribute? Just visit make a donation, or you can send a donation to Friends of Holliston Trails, Inc.
PO BOX 5986
Holliston MA 01746
If you would like to volunteer for the Friends of the Holliston Trails, stop by the June 26th meeting at 7 p.m. at the Vesta Real Estate Office at 330 Woodland Street, Holliston, or visit the group’s Facebook Page. The Trails Committee holds monthly cleanups of the trail. You can get more information by joining the mailing list at
Work on the Holliston Rail Trail was just completed last month, according to Friends of the Holliston Trails member Ed Daniels. All of the surfaces, from Milford to Sherborn, are completed, and the most recent project, a separate project with its own committee that received Community Preservation funds, the 8-Arch Bridge, was recently finished.
“They changed the cap of the bridge to a concrete surface, added drainage improvements, and also railings were added,” says Daniels.
A large opening day celebration for the Holliston Rail Trail is being planned for the 4th of July.
“The Friends of the Holliston Trails decided to create an opening celebration for the community to celebrate the 20+ years of work people did in making it happen, to celebrate with the town and congratulate all the people who were successful in making it happen. The event is slated for 5 p.m. on Independence Day, starting at Casey’s Crossing, which Daniels notes is the site of the first train that came into Holliston. Look for more details on this event in
Local Town Pages’ July issue.
In the meantime, the Friends group is still busy working to keep the trails clean and users informed.
“What we feel a big part of our role is, is to make sure we make sure we can convey to the public all the different etiquette rules that make the trail a terrific (place) for everyone at all times,” says Daniels. Some of that assistance has come in providing waste baskets for different pet stations, and additional pet stations along the way and educating bikers to keep to the right and warn slower pedestrians of their approach. Daniels says the group is working on an initiative that will clarify to new trail users best use practices.

Issue Date:
June, 2018
Article Body: