News from the Wrentham Town Clerk’s Office

Grace Allen
Issue Date: 
February, 2019
Article Body: 

Town Clerk Cynthia Thompson announced that the 2019 annual town census has been mailed to all households. Residents are asked to review the form, make any changes if necessary, and return it to the town clerk’s office as soon as possible, even if there are no changes. Failure to respond to the census may result in the removal from the active voters list.
Dog license applications were mailed to residents during the first two weeks of January. Residents may renew dog licenses at the town clerk’s office during normal business hours, or online. The licensing period ends February 28, after which late fees will apply.
A rabies clinic will be held on Saturday, February 9 from 8:30 to 11 a.m. at the Fire Department. The fee is $20 per animal. Dogs must be leashed and cats must be in carriers. The Town Clerk will be available at that time to license dogs.
Nomination papers for the April town election are available in the town clerk’s office and must be returned by Monday, February 11. The annual town election will be held on Monday, April 1.
Contact Wrentham Town Clerk Cynthia Thompson at 508-384-5415 for more information on any of these items.